Social media addiction – the benefits of quitting Facebook

In 2019, I was a semi-regular Facebook user. But in October, I was over it! So I threw the towel in and havenโ€™t looked back since. Peoplesโ€™ reactions were interesting. They asked me flakey, indirect questions like โ€˜We havenโ€™t seen you post anything on Facebook lately, is everything ok?โ€™ and โ€˜We didnโ€™t see any of … Continue reading Social media addiction – the benefits of quitting Facebook

What Being Sober Has Meant to Me by Brenรฉ Brown

What Being Sober Has Meant to Me | Brenรฉ Brown โ€” Read on WoW. What a read! Do you ever read something and feel yourself nodding the whole time? That was me as I read this beautiful piece by Brenรฉ just now. This is the first time I have come across her thoughts and … Continue reading What Being Sober Has Meant to Me by Brenรฉ Brown

Two years sober – letโ€™s mark it with a vacation!

Not sure what trained professionals would say about bribing yourself to overcome addictions. But I'm doing it and so far, it's working. 01/01/19 will mark two years since I decided to hang up my drinking hat. My 'reward to self' is a two week holiday in tropical Bali, Indonesia. And here I am! I arrived … Continue reading Two years sober – letโ€™s mark it with a vacation!

Sober lead up to Christmas ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ„

Another year rolls by, but this lead up to Christmas is VERY different. This time two years ago, I was a highly functioning alcoholic. I was getting far too merry and into the pre-Christmas festivities. All across the city, people were having work drinks, Christmas work parties, farewell drinks etc etc etc... and I was … Continue reading Sober lead up to Christmas ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ„

Things that Almost Broke me when I Quit Drinking. Part 2 of 3: Who am I?

Drinking was my hobby. It was my go-to solution when I was happy, sad, celebrating, stressed. Or at least I thought it was a solution. Boy, was I deluded! This delusion stemmed from a lifetime of drinking, living in a high functioning alcoholic society and an upbringing where alcohol supposedly fixed everything. I knew no … Continue reading Things that Almost Broke me when I Quit Drinking. Part 2 of 3: Who am I?

Things that Almost Broke me when I Quit Drinking. Part 1 of 3: Setting Personal Boundaries.

Inspired by your comments, feedback and ideas over the past 12 months, this is part 1 in a 3 part series. The purpose of this series is to confront the three things that almost broke me after I made the decision to quit drinking, 17 months ago. Here in part 1, I share my struggle … Continue reading Things that Almost Broke me when I Quit Drinking. Part 1 of 3: Setting Personal Boundaries.